Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My favorite picture taken by my cell phone
(View of the Capitol from the Washington Monument)

In this cell phone photography class, I hope to gain knowledge of how to shoot meaningful pictures.  I do not consider myself to be the most artistic so the majority all of my pictures have no depth into them.  I hope to learn which angles to use, how to work with lighting if it is not optimal, different styles, etc. The most interesting aspect of this class is that we are using the camera's from our cell phones -- something that most people do on a daily basis.  Having a camera on a cell phone is a must for a lot of people in society and it has become almost necessity it seems.  Taking this class, I hope to learn how to use my cell phone camera to its maximum potential.

There are a couple differences in a camera attached to a cell phone and a point and shoot camera.  Both are very useful yet can be very limited.  For instance, it is difficult to take candid pictures of strangers or even friends with a point and shoot because it is not very discrete, but offers quality pictures.  However, with a cell phone camera, you can take hours worth of photos without anyone knowing, yet if you blow up the size of a picture, it is not very clear.  

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